Questions & Answers

Show all Notes on the Piano Roll and highlighted the played Note in the Editor

+41 votes
asked Sep 3, 2019 in Editing by andypflgner (470 points)
I work a lot with die Midi Editor. It would be helpful if there was an option to show all notes on the piano roll, not only the "C" Note. Another helpful feature would be, when I click a note on the piano roll, that all note are highlighted in the editor.   

For example: If i click the Note "G" on the Piano Roll, all "G" Notes (in the same octave ) in the marked area are highlighted.

5 Answers

+8 votes
answered Oct 2, 2019 by shahroozbehnampoor1 (760 points)
Hi i agree with you too.That added all key name in piano piano rool FlStudio.When playing, the notes are marked with a piano rool Fl studio.When you move the midi clip.Be it possible
.The midi note stay constant like fl studio
+5 votes
answered Sep 23, 2020 by brandonlihou (1,420 points)
I didn't realize this was already requested, I made a similar post. I like the idea that the key is highlighted, this is by far the best piano roll editor request needed, come guys vote
+2 votes
answered Sep 25, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
If you zoom in vertically, you see the note names displayed in the notes.
+3 votes
answered Jan 14, 2021 by stevenhernandez4 (1,000 points)
I completely back this. Sometimes, it's really annoying to have to search the screen, looking for ways to identify what exact note you're working with at the moment. Most of the note letters only appear on the midi notes when you zoom in to a certain distance. Usually, the note letters aren't visible (which is another thing that could be worked on, as I tend to prefer seeing the note letters while zooming out a bit -- to look at longer passages of music). So it would be nice to instead be able to at least see the notes on the actual keys at all times. It'd be a lot more convenient for the sake of reference.
+3 votes
answered May 15, 2023 by abbsaloj (320 points)

MAN I love Presonus and Studio One how they are supportive to their customers and creators. 100 agree with I work a lot with die Midi Editor. It would be helpful if there was an option to show all notes on the piano roll, not only the "C" Note.

Can you guys please make this happen for the next update. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.

Thank you Presonus Team you guys are the absolute best!!!.

