Questions & Answers

Signal is writing but not audible.

0 votes
asked Apr 2, 2018 in FireStudio Series by cassandracronin (150 points)
I have my firestudio mobile setup with logic pro x, a guitar plugged in and the signal coming in clear into the DAW. the only trouble is, I can't hear it in my headphones or in the laptop speakers, if i unplug the phones. I tried recording a few seconds of guitar and unplugging the firestudio from the computer.... the audio sounds fine. So my question is, how do I restore input monitoring to my headphones? And before you ask, yes the track is armed to record, yes input monitoring is on, yes I unchecked "input monitoring only for focused track..." in the audio preferences. Any ideas?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 14, 2018 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer

Ensure you have installed the current version of Universal Control for the FireStudio Mobile.

Open Universal Control and click the Settings menu.

Check Firmware and Factory Reset.

Test again.  If you still have trouble, contact Presonus Support to help determine if everything is connected, installed and working correctly.
