Questions & Answers

ASUS Windows 10 handwriting input scrolls. Unusable

+1 vote
asked Apr 6, 2018 in Notion by donelliot (180 points)
I have an ASUS all in one Q534U with Microsoft active pen input.  Notion 6.3.

The pen works as a regular mouse input mode when not in handwriting mode, as expected.  When I select handwriting mode, with or without the zoom window, the stylus is active for drawing on the screen, but also works as a touch and scrolls the screen at the same time.  Hence, impossible to input anything!

I bought this computer explicitly for handwriting / drawing input, with the ability to notate by hand high on the list.

Am I missing something or is this a problem with the computer / pen input capability / Windows 10?

Also, picking up on a request from another entry, a delete icon (similar to the iOS app) is needed in Notion desktop to allow deletion while using the pen without having to switch to keyboard.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2018 by olumakinde (140 points)
I have a Wacom Companion 2 with Windows 10 and have the exact same problem; I think it is caused by a recent Windows update but I am not sure since I do not often use handwriting recognition (I mostly use Staffpad, which worked fine until a recent Wacom driver update :( ).

WORKAROUND: I defined the ERASER of the pen to the RIGHT CLICK function. I now use the eraser for handwriting for this application only. You might try something similar on your system. Best wishes!