Questions & Answers

Studiolive 24R - Interface mode : How to set up stereo headphone mixes using Pro Tools?

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asked Jun 30, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by gwenkerjan1 (120 points)

I just received my StudioLive 24R and I have a drum recording in a few days. Very short amount of time to properly learn UC but fortunately I have minimum requirements for this studio session. I use the 24R in Interface mode for a studio use only with the latest Pro Tools version on a Mac. Everything seems to work well (playback, recording, etc.) BUT I do have a problem to set the headphone stereo mix for the drummer. I'm sure I'm not missing a lot there but I can't understand the routing to be honest.

So basically, I use two 1/4 jack cables to connect the mix outputs of the 24R ((let's say 3 and 4) to a headphone amp. I do hear the main output but I don't get how to set a separate mix for the drummer (his actual playing + clic & backing tracks in Pro Tools). I'd like to be able to control everything within Pro Tools if possible.

I could go the easy route this time using the front headphone output but the drummer would want the clic very loud and some track very low in the mix... Not good at all for me in the control room...

Could someone give me a very basic headphone set up please? THANKS in advance!!!