Questions & Answers

Studiolive 32 III based recording studio

0 votes
asked May 17, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by stefanotappari (150 points) 1 flag
Dear all,

I am currently running a small studio based on an analog mixer, 24 tracks ADAT tape and Logic DAW.

I would like to change and buy a Studiolive 32 III to work with Logic. Apart from the console what additional equipment would you recommend me to get, considering :

- I'd like to have 4 musicians able to set up their own monitors headphones

- I think to keep using the currently present analog multicore between recording and control room, unless there is undoubtedly advantage in getting a digital box (which I think has benefit mainly in live application, changing venue night after night)

- Am I going to be really able to mix Logic sessions using the console as a controller (volume, pan, eq, fx mix)?

Thanks in advance

Best regards.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 17, 2018 by coaldavie (1,490 points)
selected Jun 22, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer

I bought a studiolive 16 series 3 four months ago with the same intention as you, I was falsely informed by a regional wholesale Rep that "studiolive series 3 mixers work with all DAWS". This wasn't completely false because it works as an I/o device, but not as a DAW controller. That means it doesn't yet have the midi protocols to work with any other DAW except presonus studio one.  The units have been on the market for over a year I believe, and the website says "coming soon"  

So no, the studiolive series 3 mixers don't work with logic as a DAW controller  yet. Many of us are waiting impatiently.

Also, all of your current logic projects in 44.1 kHz sample rate won't work with the studiolive units because the units only work with 48khz. Conversion is possible, but logic samples don't seem to convert well.  This feature is also labeled "coming soon" on the presonus website.  (They will work, but the pitch will change)

With that said, I did the research and, if the series 3's are completed before someone else puts a similar unit on the market they will be the best performance and value available.  

So I would not spend your money on a presonus s3 just yet, but I wouldn't spend it elsewhere either until either:

- presonus completes these products they began selling a year ago


- another company puts a similar unit on the market

Do lots of research, then do more, then do more

(I've had a $3000 unit for 4 months that I can't really use, I could have been getting interest on an investment in the meantime)
commented May 19, 2018 by rnaqvi (2,250 points)
Hi Coaldavie,

We are planning to support MCU mode for Logic as well as 44.1k sampling rate. We'll be releasing an open beta just like we did for StudioOne so you'll probably be able to hear direct feedback from customers that currently own mixers. We currently support Logic with the Faderport 8 and 16 and we plan to have similar functionality for our StudioLive mixers. You can check out how the Faderport16 works with Logic here: