Questions & Answers

StudioLive 32 series III doesn't show as audio device in Studio One

+1 vote
asked Jan 25, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by nickperry (960 points)
When I go to Audio Device in Studio One 4, my StudioLive 32 series III mixer does not show as a choice for my interface.

I have updated to the latest firmware on the StudioLive, most recent Studio One 4 version, and updated UC Control to the most current version. When I go into DAW mode on the mixer, the song in Studio one shows up, the faders pop up, I can control the channels and the views using the FX buttons, etc. so I know the two are communicating, but I cannot get the StudioLive to show as an available audio device so I can't set up the ins and outs.

I looked through the knowledge base to see if there was a driver that needs installed, but that is evidently is included in the Universal Control, which seems to be recognizing my StudioLive fine. Any suggestions? Thanks!

7 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jan 25, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
If UC Surface sees your mixer, Studio One MUST see it also. It makes sense to start UC Surface first, just to be able to check that the mixer is detected. If you start Studio One then, the detected mixer (StudioLive 16 in my case) is listed under Settings on the start page of Studio One. This is pure USB connectivity, DAW control is happening via UCNET. What you could try is to plug the USB cable out and in, when Studio One is started. It can be that this "helps" Studio One to find the audio interface.
+1 vote
answered Jan 25, 2020 by nickperry (960 points)
Thank you for the response. All of that makes sense that it should work that way. Unfortunately the SL32 is still not showing up as an option to select. I can see my old Audient interface and my Roland TR-8S, both of which are no longer connected, but not the Studiolive. I tried plugging and unplugging in all of my USB ports with no luck. Restarted my computer, UC surface, Studio One and the StudioLive several times in different order and I'm stumped. I opened a support ticket to hopefully get it resolved.
0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2020 by nickperry (960 points)
It looks like Windows isn't recognizing it. It says there is no audio device hooked up. I ran a diagnostic and it said it would fix the problem and then asked me to restart my computer. I did so with such hope in my heart that it would fix it, but alas... Now I run the diagnostic in Windows and it just says it doesn't know how to fix it.
0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
I wished I could be of help, but computers is not my cup of tea... ;-) At least you found the reason for your problems. If you happen to have access to another computer or laptop, why not checking that out? UC Control/Surface is free and you can install several copies of Studio One simultaneoulsy. By the way, does Capture work?
0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2020 by nickperry (960 points)
I do have access to another computer, so I will have to try that. I need a break for the evening. I've restarted and plugged and unplugged everything so many times over the last couple days, I needed to step away. I haven't tried capture yet, just downloaded the software. I just got this board earlier this week. I bought this for a recording interface/control surface that could also replace my analog board for practice. It has worked great for my practice set up (and sounds amazing IMO), if I could just get it to play nice with Studio One. I did notice when I registered the mixer with Presonus that a copy of Studio One Artist showed up in my software, but I already own Professional, so I wasn't sure if that could cause any confusion to the mixer (probably not). I will try installing Studio One on another computer and see if I can get the driver to install properly. If that doesn't work, I'll probably just walk away until I can talk to tech support.
0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2020 by nickperry (960 points)

SUCCESS!!! I was blaming the StudioLive driver but I think it was the Universal Control driver. I found the article below, which roughly walked me through it (I also saw there is a similar article for Macs). You just have to realize that the StudioLive driver is included in the Universal Control installation and not separate. So, once you remove the UC and SL drivers, look in Roaming, empty you recycle bin and restart your computer (all described in the article), you just need to find the current UC driver and when you install that it will prompt you with all of the other presonus drivers that work with UC (including the SL mixer's driver). This was an easy enough process that could be repeated, so I unchecked all of the drivers that I didn't need to be on the safe side. After restarting my computer (even though there was no prompt to do so as it said in the article below), I launched UC first, started my mixer and it showed up in UC, and then when I went to Studio One the mixer was available.

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2021 by allantutt (300 points)
I purchased the 32S Series III console in August of 2021. After reading and following all of the User Guide instructions, addressing both the recommended [firmware update] and the download/installation of UC and US software, I have been plagued ever since with 'failure to start correctly...' and/or 'check your hardware connection...' error messages, when opening StudioOne Pro V.5+ and attempting to simply select the 32S device as my new and preferred interface. I have spent over four (4) months, trying to problem solve this issue, to my dismay and frustration. Today, I stopped by the local vendor, again mentioning my frustration with this ongoing issue. Surprised and unable to provide any other solution, he kindly suggested that I return the device on warrantee, for potential repairs or replacement. Before doing so, I went over all the a/n steps yet again, but this time including my overlooked 'continuity' testing of the provided USB cable, thinking the solution, had to be something simple. The cable was fine, and this annoying problem, apparently shared by many others within this user group - sadly remains unresolved. Finally, after searching the Presonus Help Forum for the umpteenth time, I spotted your post regarding similar concerns, together with what appears to be a useful link and potential solution. I will follow those detailed instructions and hopefully resolve this issue - once and for all. Thank-you for your post!