I have a particular guitar player who is in a few different bands. In the first band, his monitor mix is aux4. In the second band, his mix is Aux5&6.
His iPhone 6+ always defaults to Aux1 when he connects. That is, if he can get it to connect. We usually have to double click home and swipe the app out then restart it to get it to connect. Once is normally all it takes for that. Then, I have to go to UC Surface to specify the mix he gets today (again). This happens even if the same band plays two night in a row.
My thinking is that since my drummer always uses the same aux mix (Aux3) for his monitor in either band, that the mixer somehow remembers his. The guitar player above is on different mixes, so it seems that the mixer doesnt know what mix his phone is supposed to get.
My question is: How does the mixer remember what phone gets what mix? Is this something I can have it forget? Forget so that I can put all his band monitors on the same mix(es).
Mixer is RM32 with the latest updates (unplug the card update). Surface for PC and iPad are current to the mixer.