Questions & Answers

Macbook Pro Touch Bar Support in S1

+71 votes
asked May 22, 2018 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by aurallion (1,780 points)

Touch bar is already implemented in Macbook Pro since 2017, and until now it is not utilised yet in Studio One.

How S1 can implement the Touch Bar can be differ by the active section:

  • Multitrack section: can be used to move the position across time line, or have some button as shortcut: cut, pointer, etc.
  • Mixer section: can be used as quick channel strip editing, such as volume fader, pan, channel left or right, Solo, Mute, etc.
  • Editor section: to move across waves or notes time line, action shortcut, etc.
 I think by utilising Mac's touchbar, user can have faster workflow to do anything instead of using trackpad, keyboard shortcut, or mouse..

5 Answers

+14 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,230 points)
Best answer

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+7 votes
answered Jan 12, 2019 by jesushenriquez (440 points)
I was excited to finally get my hands on my new Macbook Pro 2018 and was a bit disappointed to see that Studio One did not utilize this beautiful feature to their advantage. Would definitely like that feature requested as well.
+5 votes
answered Jun 4, 2019 by chrissederqvist1 (2,420 points)
Yeah, this would be nice.

I love the way Logic Pro X (and Final Cut) makes use of the touch bar.

To be honest, this is one of the few places I find the touch bar really useful, but non the less, it's an important part of the Logic work-flow, and it would be great to see some creative uses for the Touch Bar in S1 as well.

Other than that I tend to use it mostly for firing services created in Automator and for navigating Finder when I'm too lazy to use hotkeys...

Maybe use it as a S1 Macro toolbar to begin with... Should be easy to implement.
+6 votes
answered Sep 30, 2019 by girishphaterpekar (270 points)
I recently bought a new MacBook pro touchbar just so I could be more efficient in editing on studio one. Extremely disappointed to see there is no support for it. Which brought me exactly to this post. :/
Please add the option to edit the touchbar for studio one. Life might finally be worth living.
+1 vote
answered Nov 20, 2019 by peterbaird (960 points)
I'd be plenty happy if it just labeled the Function keys for now.  They can get creative later.