Questions & Answers

Upgrade Studio One 4

0 votes
asked May 26, 2018 in Studio One 4 by paulcarriere (180 points)
I bought my version of Studio One 3.5 on March 3rd. Wich was 600$ for me. Now if I want to keep up with Presonus products I need to spend another 200$ after only 2 months. A great client base is built on a good relanshionship with your clients that makes them want to buy your products and even refer them to others. I wish that Presonus would understand that many of us are independent producers that cannot spends that much that fast. Could you extend the grace period for the upgrade?

Thank you for the consideration.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 26, 2018 by johnnygeib2 (14,880 points)
Best answer
You may not be aware but presonus is offering a 60 day grace period for just this purpose. My advice would be to submit a ticket to Presonus Support indicating the purchase dates. You might be surprised. I can't guarantee anything but please try. :)