Questions & Answers

Impact XT, Pad timing delay

+11 votes
asked Jun 7, 2018 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by Thareh (660 points)

One feature I  could not find on the new Impact XT is the ability to delay the timing of a pad, it'd be awesome to be able to shift the timing a bit forwards or backwards a bit without having to modify the midi data.


3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+1 vote
answered Jun 9, 2018 by lechbialek (660 points)
Having a full DADSR with a delay stage would be nice!

As a workaround you can leave some silence at the beginning of the sample and adjust the start point to create a little delay.

Or alternatively use "Explode pitches to tracks" on your Impact XT track and delay the individual tracks by a few ms.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2018 by benmccluskey1 (1,320 points)
For genres like House and Hip Hop this feature is essential to get the right groove with pre-shifted claps or lagging hats etc.

If a pad trigger delay is not added directly within Impact then it should be included as an automation lane in the pattern editor to allow positive or negative shifting... something like what Geist offers would be great, then the patterns in Studio One would be totally boss and very usable for everyone.