Questions & Answers

Waves X-FDBK Feedback Eliminator plugin

+12 votes
asked Jun 12, 2018 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by bogarguzman (620 points)
I understand Waves have a partnership or kind of with DigiCo.

Could it be the possibility to at least use one of Waves plugins, X-FDBK Feedback Eliminator, in SL III consoles?

This will help a lot to setup Live performances in a nutshell, when ringing out the stage.

Just this one plugin. Thank you

2 Answers

+7 votes
answered Jun 12, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer

Thanks for the feature request!

0 votes
answered May 8, 2019 by carlbrubaker (220 points)
I just want a feedback plugin for the FAT Channel. Give me 4-bands(at least 2) that I can set at whatever frequency I need, and an attenuation level, and Q (that goes from narrow to more narrow). It doesn't have to be auto-elimination.