Questions & Answers

Why doesn't my mic pic up any sound?

0 votes
asked Jun 28, 2018 in AudioBox USB by themonster1 (150 points)
I've tried everything in trying to make it work, but it doesn't seem to pick up any sound. I've watched about five tutorials and i still can't get it to work.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2018 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Please check out these two guides, which will assist you in setting up your AudioBox:

  1. This guide covers common AudioBox setup and configuration issues, as well as addresses basic reasons for the device to not seem to function properly:

  1. If the above guide does not resolve your issue, the driver may need to be uninstalled and reinstalled properly. Below are instructions for how to do this:

Windows Vista and Windows 7:

Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10:

If the issue remains, please create a ticket to technical support. 

Here is a link to create a ticket:
