Questions & Answers

I don't have sound coming from my audiobox even if my mic works.

0 votes
asked Nov 6, 2019 in AudioBox i-Series by albanspindler (120 points)

I have no sound coming from my audiobox even if i have a mic working. I can indeed see my mic working with the led next to the volume of the outlet of my mic lightning when i speak.

The device is an AudioBox iTwo with an updated driver on my windows 10 which is Universal Controller. I tried a lot of solutions i found on internet but no one worked yet.

Someone know how can i fix the problem? I'm streaming video games so it's really unfortunate i can't use my mic, please help.

Thank you so much for any help you could give.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2020 by robertgallegos (230 points)
Any solution? I have the same problem