Questions & Answers

I would like to get a case for my Presonus AR16 mixer. What would provide very good protection?

0 votes
asked Jul 6, 2018 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by richardjackson8 (150 points)
I would like to get a good protective case for my Presonus AR16 mixer. So far, I've only seen a soft backpack available through GC. Want something preferably hard shell.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 6, 2018 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
Best answer
While we don't manufacture or recommend a specific hard case for the StudioLive AR series mixers, you can always take the dimensions of the mixer to a case manufacturer (Gator, SKB, OSP, etc.) and they should be able to recommend a universal fit case from their product line that would accommodate the mixer.

In other words: while they may not make a "StudioLive AR16 Hard Case", they may be able to recommend another one of their cases that it would still fit inside of.