Questions & Answers

PreSonus Series 3 SL24 compatibility with Pro Tools 20018.7

–2 votes
asked Aug 22, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by robc6 (520 points)

looking for feedback on the compatibility of the series 3 SL24 with Pro Tools 2018.7 is anyone using this setup and is there any compatibility issues?

appreciate any feedback



MBP 15” 2018 macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 +sup Touch Bar and ID
2.2GHz 6 core 8 gen Intel Core i7 processor (TB’d to 4.1GHz)
32 Gb of 2400MHz DDR4, 1T SSD, Magic Mouse and Keyboard 
Pro Tools 2018.7

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 23, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
The StudioLive 24 Series III will work as a input/output device for ProTools. There would be no issues that I would know about.
0 votes
answered Aug 23, 2018 by robc6 (520 points)

Hi thanks for your answer, but I’m not convinced. I would love it to be just an I/O device infact that’s all I want it to do, as I have all the processing I need in Pro Tools. But reading articles on this site by users that seems to have been duped..... also the fact that this site doesn’t run treads based on third party software is a telling sign...

 It doesn’t look like Pro Tools users are getting much joy which has blown my confidence that theses unit are the right fit for me. Seems to me that these guys are have prob’s getting Pro Tools to work and appear to even be lied too....Now that’s not good. Seems to have something to do with the DAW control feature. Is this different from simply putting the unit into a I/O mode?

Looking for a console I can use in the studio as well as drive our bands PA and the series 3 SL24 was looking good. But I’m thinking I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and invest more if that what I need to do to get something that is a fit for us.

–1 vote
answered Aug 29, 2018 by jddupont (470 points)
Asking PreSonus for anything that resembles support for Pro Tools is a wasted effort. They know a huge user base wants to use this board  as a true console for PT. They don't care. They know a massive user base wants to use this board at 44.1, They don't care. Somebody there believes if they just keep ignoring all the Pro Tools users we'll just someday switch to Studio One as our DAW. Do you know anybody who's switched? Nope, I don't. Know some folks who bought different boards though.
–1 vote
answered Aug 30, 2018 by robc6 (520 points)
edited Aug 30, 2018 by robc6
Seems weird to me why a company would dumb down their product like that, seems from all reports I have got from a couple of local users the AI series didn’t have issues with PT. And if that is true about hostility towards PT users I feel sad for the product... and soooooo glad I did some research and didn’t go with the “works a treat” from PreSonus’s local distributor before I invested that sort of cash.

Anyways I invested a lil more and ordered a Soundcraft desk, a friend has one and it runs sweat as bro. Plus I can use it for live..... don’t really need a desk with lots of candy, rather functionality any day.