Questions & Answers

Has anyone gotten the FaderPort v2/ FaderPort 2018 to work on Windows 10 and Studio One 4?

0 votes
asked Aug 24, 2018 in FaderPort Classic by pharmondjr (440 points)

purchased faderport v2, running win 10 and studio one 4, followed the instructions in the manual, the faderport port does not show up as an external device in the midi "receive" and "send to" drop-down options, ..also disconnected all other usb devices besides qwerty keyboard + mouse, this is not working for me.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2018 by nickmaggio (26,660 points)
selected Dec 4, 2018 by nickmaggio
Best answer

The Faderport is Designed to work Natively in Studio One 4. 

Take a look at the Setup instructions that are in the User Manual. 

These should get everything working. 

If you still have issues after all that Definitely contact Presonus Tech Support for further assistance. 

0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2018 by Riker (400 points)
Wow, I wish I would have looked at the support site before purchasing a FaderPort v2! I just got it today, October 7th 2018 and when I launched the driver, it loaded Studio One 4 and then said " fader port not compatible with studio one 4" like WHAT? Presonus faderport, not compatible with Presonus Studio One 4 ?????????

That just can't be the case, there has to be an easy answer / solution right??? Running Windows 10 64bit as OS.