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closed [Completed 3.3] Disable track

+45 votes
asked Dec 13, 2015 in Completed Feature Requests by Zirrex (9,860 points)
closed Aug 25, 2016 by LMike

FR SO3: Disable track (Archive Track).

Please make the function for each track - Disable track (offline data is still there but not loaded in memory)
I don`t kill track and i don`t use Mute button or freeze the track. 

closed with the note: Completed in 3.3

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2015 by samirelborno (8,400 points)
edited Dec 30, 2015 by samirelborno
This should work via a toggle key command and on multiple selected tracks in parallel.
0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2016 by Artem Reverse (1,380 points)
Great request! + 1
0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2016 by easilyncarter1 (1,450 points)
I thought scratchpad did that, if not this would be a good function to have for hiding tracks or X'ing or storing stuff in there.
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2016 by danam2 (4,100 points)
As a workaround I got a Bus with no output where I route the "archived" to and disable the fx bin.
+1 vote
answered Feb 25, 2016 by dannycocke (340 points)
Yes please, even with the instruments power buttons off and bypass checked, they are still loaded into memory. It makes session load times very slow and save times as well for large instrument templates, even with everything powered off. Disable or make in-active would fix this.