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Product that will rival MPC Live/X and Maschine MK3

+8 votes
asked Oct 2, 2018 in Atom Pad Controllers by quilee (380 points)
I see Presonus has to been listening to "beatmakers" which is evident with the Studio One 4 update. Now listen even more!! We need something portable and equivalent if not more than the MPC Live/X.

I can just picture it now.....Studio One in the form of a portable drum machine. Touch screen and all. I would glad scrape up the cash for that product. I feel Presonus did not make a big dent with the release of the Atom. It is nothing to get rid of my Maschine MK3 for. I have seen the significant growth in this company (for the past 5 years) and would love to see them blow Native Instruments and Akai out of the water with that product. I really hope Presonus has this product under wraps and that the Atom was just a warmup for the beginner beatmakers / producers.

Will this request be taken under immediate and serious consideration?!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 23, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
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+1 vote
answered Oct 7, 2018 by chriz79 (470 points)

So true!!! Presonus DOES NOT listen to beatmakers / Hip Hop / Crate diggers / EDM people enough (as NI and Ableton do)!!

In my eyes ATOM is a vehicle designed to win over especially novices and beginners into the Presonus Studio One world when bundled with Studio One Artist or bundled with their Producer Pack. At below 250 € this is a bargain aimed at the Maschine Mikro segment.


For us advanced / long-term users ATOM is a quite pointless piece of gear. Another more or less generic drum controller (ok, with a few preset buttons - but seriously, who needs this..?) amongst innumerable other 3rd party drum controllers. Honestly - WHO NEEDS ATOM? Except those novices mentioned above..

WHAT WE NEED AND WANT is a competitive Maschine-MPC-blow-away-product!

Dear Presonus Product Managers, Product Owners, VP Sales, CEO and Board: Do your homework and create the perfect portable Beat machine. Maybe call it ATOM PRO to justify the launch of its current smaller more or less redundant ATOM brother ;) There´s plenty of space to improve and make things better than Native Instruments and AKAI. You already have the best DAW with a classic approch - so go, create the next big thing of drum machines!

Btw. you could probably think to merge Impact and Sample One into basically 1 powerful sampler with a toggle between the consumer-oriented 16 pads view and keyboard layout.

A lot of work, fight of development ressources, tight budget, and other priorities... as always, I know. But listen to your users - until Native Instruments strikes with the next big Maschine Invention and a perfect fitting 3rd party DAW-integration. Then Presouns has lost their opportunity to get a piece of the big cake.

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2019 by christhomas15 (2,780 points)
Well i use studio one 4 pro with the atom and propellerhead reason 10. With the right 3rd party plugins. And knowledge of mixing ans mastering with composing. What is the problem?