Questions & Answers

Automatic bank change with Mackie Control

+9 votes
asked Oct 6, 2018 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by kratzertchri (260 points)
Hello everyone
I have an X-Touch One to complete my Console 1. I want to go from Reaper to Studio One. In Reaper, X-Touch One follows the track selection, whether it's with the mouse or track selection on Console 1. ********* says that track tracking in Mackie Control mode can only be done with Banks of 8, then you have to change the bank manually because Studio One does not handle the automatic change of Banks MCU, unlike Reaper or Logic.
Is it true ? If so, is it planned to add it to an upcoming update?
Thank you in advance !

5 Answers

+2 votes
answered Apr 2, 2019 by sebastianteister (440 points)
Today I received the X-Touch, which I intended to tweak a little to suit my needs.

What I found is that automatic bank change is already possible. The Faderport 2 uses it and it's mapped in the device descriptions in .xml and .js.

If anyone finds time to port the mapping from FP2 to MackieControl it would be nice to hear from.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2019 by charliedraper (140 points)
It's possible (though not recommended by presonus) to edit the xml file to change and add/remove various commands.
I've set mine up so that when I hit the bank button, it also triggers a command that's within s1 to bank in the console (can't remember the exact command name but you can find them under the macro section). The only caveat is that, say you have 16 channels and 8 buses but your hardware is only showing audio channels, the s1 console will keep banking while the hardware stops banking. So you'd be seeing channels 9-16 on the hardware but s1 console would have the first of those 8 buses selected (assuming your buses are on the far right of the console after the audio channels). It's easy to get round if they become misaligned, simply hit the channel select button on your hardware and they'll match up again.
I'm using a qcon Pro x so I remapped the whole thing near enough to give more usability.

Full list of what I've remapped and is working in case you're interested

Display (name/value) is now click on/off
Console follows fader bank buttons
Console follows channel bank buttons
Audio tracks puts audio tracks on faders, shift +audio tracks selects scene 1 in console (set up to only show audio tracks) - repeat that for fx, buses and instuments
Master now shows VCAs as theres no midi track button on the qcon (shift shows vca scene)
Scrub shows console
Shift + send adds a send on  track (same on the fx button for fx track)
Shift + pan adds a bus


It's simple enough once you read the xml, easy to figure out what's what in there.
I'd be happy to talk to presonus if they had a way of implementing various mappings
+1 vote
answered Aug 5, 2020 by javiercarrillo (620 points)
I have the X-Touch One and I can move across channels using the Channel buttons however, after the 8th channel, I have to press bank. Is there a way to alter the XML to have this happen automatically?

0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2023 by ansolas (4,280 points)
Anyone maneged to edit the device code so that the current selcetd channel can be move tho teh visible set of faders (nbank change)?

The FP16 has this feature when we push the big encoder. Maybe we can map that function somhow to a X-Touch Button ?
0 votes
answered May 13, 2024 by luistimisoara (140 points)
WHERE Can I found the XML ? it would be a lifesaver for me ? I want follow selected channel !!! Please!