Questions & Answers

How well does the faderport classic integrate with Studio One 4?

+1 vote
asked Nov 8, 2018 in FaderPort Classic by nickhair (160 points)

I was curious at how well the faderport classic integrates with Studio One 4. I have been using S1-4 for a few weeks now  and love it, and was thinking of getting a faderport to help with work flow. I can get a classic for fairly cheap, but I was wondering if works well within new versions of S1, or If I should go with the newer FPv2.

I am running S1-4 on a 2013 Macbook Pro with Mojave (10.14.1). I also am UA Apollo Twin Duo.

Thanks for your thoughts!


3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2018 by nickmaggio (26,660 points)
Best answer

The FPClassic would work great! The differences though are pretty solid.

The FP2 would function much more smoothly and it has new features like the different Shift functions, smoother Transport controls, and a much cleaner connection.

IMO the FP2 will be worth the extra spent.

YouTube has great videos reviewing the Different Controllers. 

Faderport 2 

Faderport Classic

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2018 by elliottsebag (7,650 points)
Hey, tried the classic only on 3.5 and other daws, but i know there is a new Fp1 now so i guess it would integrate better. On my side i've got the Fp8 which integrates perfectly fine in V4 . I'm thruly happy with it, perfect size, good quality, works fine on other daws also.

Kind regards :)
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2018 by enemigo (230 points)
faderport classic works great for me on S1 4