Questions & Answers

Audiobox 96 not installing

+1 vote
asked Dec 3, 2018 in AudioBox USB by (130 points)
I’ve tried updating my drivers and it says it has been installed but it may not work and I’m receiving a code 10. There are these yellow exclamation marks next to presonus Audiobox in device manager.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2018 by johncarroll6 (140 points)
Currently dealing with the same issues on a custom rig(specs below.) I've uninstalled/reinstalled following all presonus guides. Restored the P.C. twice. Still not getting any audio from my monitors. I think the driver isn't routing sound correctly/basically not windows 10 compatible, but I'm not so sure. I have sound from my monitors when I turn on 48v and have mic hooked up, just no audio from computer. Probably related to the outdated drivers. Their engineers have known of the issue for years, but they are developing for the new equipment. . .I'll probably get something newer and not presonus.

Windows 10, i3 8100, gigabyte b360s d53h mobo f11 bios, 8gb corsair ram, Audiobox USB
0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2018 by nickmaggio (26,660 points)
Hey there are plenty of KB articles that you can use to get yourself up and running.

Just to throw a couple out there.

The main thing is making sure you have the Abox set as your default device in Windows. take a look at this article for that

If you still have issues I recommend making a ticket to PreSonus Support. they can get you squared away really good