Questions & Answers

Merely having the ability to safe a default I/O setup doesn't work for me.

+4 votes
asked Jan 5, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by elijahlove (510 points)
edited Jan 5, 2019 by elijahlove
Sorry, but the ability to save a default setup based on the current song is completely inadequate for my needs. I have a MOTU Monitor 8 and 24AI and the channels change from session to session. The lack of this feature is one that keeps me from being able to think of Studio One 4 as a truly professional DAW.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2019 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
Best answer
When you are in the I/O setup dialog box, once you have everything set up as you require, click the "make Default" button. From that song forwards, those settings will be saved. I use Studio One 4 Professional in my professional mixing and mastering business. All my settings are always there since I set it all as default.
+1 vote
answered Jan 24, 2019 by hitwriter (1,530 points)
The ability to save and load multiple I/O configs is a must! I have no idea why this isn't already available?

Do I need to make this a separate feature request?