Questions & Answers

Why Quantum not have normal Mixer in UC?

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asked Jan 29, 2019 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by ionion (490 points)
Please Presonus make a normal mixer in Universal Control , other people need to use this interface in live mode on laptop , but on my Laptop work not fine Quantum with Studio one 4 . Make a normal uptade on Universal Control and Presonus Quantum Firmware to use this interface to the maximum potential. You can take the example on the Rme Software !!!!!

On my Pc work fine I have Motherboard Gyganite z170x , and sound realy cool , but why not work fine on the standart laptop Hp EliteBook 830 G5 , this it's not just me!!!

Please make a normal sofware to we can work live with this interface!!!!

I Hope you Understand , and you will work on this problem .