Questions & Answers

How can I use mic audio from 44VSL in online meetings with Zoom, skype etc.?

+1 vote
asked Mar 3, 2019 in AudioBox USB by aguz916 (200 points)

When I use Zoom and and other apps for web meetings for sharing my screen and audio... I see the options to select Line In 1/2 from my 44VSL but I'm getting nothing to actually reach the people on the other end. I've tried Line In 3/4 and nothing either. 

The mic input works just fine in Ableton etc. Mic has signal in the 44VSL software mixer and can hear in headphones and monitors.

7 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2020 by jasonthompson10 (480 points)
Having the same issue with my Studio 68.

I can hear through my monitors but I can’t use my microphone. I listen through the speakers but speak through my webcam.
0 votes
answered May 6, 2020 by robertgallegos (230 points)
Same issue here with AudioBox 44 VSL.

Presonus - any solutions?
0 votes
answered May 11, 2020 by MrEWorm (140 points)
I'm having the same issue. I have been trying to run the 44VSL into OBS and having that run into Zoom but the proper setup eludes me.
+1 vote
answered May 24, 2020 by kangokambafwile (160 points)
I just bought and received Studio 26c, and one of the main reasons I bought it was for better online audio on zoom and skype and I teach piano lessons. Any solutions for this? And I too, can hear the sound through my monitors and microphone works fine in Studio One 4. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2020 by philipwisneski (160 points)
More than a year later, and still no answer for this.  :(  I'm having the same issue with a Studio 24c and Windows 10.  Zoom says, "Your microphone is not working. Please check your connection or use a different mic."  But it works fine with Studio One 4 and with my Logitech WebCam software.  I am so disappointed.  I can no longer recommend PreSonus products.  I should have gone with a Focurite Scarlett unit.
0 votes
answered Jun 10, 2020 by ruthteague (140 points)
I don't know if this is of any help or if it is something you have tried. I was having the same problem, then realised that because my new microphone is a condenser microphone I need to push in the 48V button. Otherwise there is no power going to the microphone. I only realised this because there should have been a blue light showing on the mic. Once the button was pressed everything was fine. Hopefully this is of use to someone.
0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2021 by markmatheson (140 points)

Does anyone know if this issue has been resolved?

I am considering purchasing a Studio 24C and one of my use cases is to be able to use my studio monitors and microphone in Zoom/Skype calls.

As a result, I am hesitating on the purchase owning to this concern.
