Questions & Answers

Can we please have the ability to Solo FX sends and returns on Series III?

+59 votes
asked Apr 4, 2019 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by Draudio (380 points)
Please give us the ability to Solo FX Return and FX Send directly. It is very helpful to hear what is actually being sent and what the effects are actually sounding like. It really helps to dial in the FX.

If you can only do one or the other please make it Solo FX return.

6 Answers

+7 votes
answered Apr 9, 2019 by benpierce (99,500 points)
Best answer

Thanks for the feature request!

0 votes
answered Dec 13, 2019 by wapperdude (3,480 points)
Until Presonus provides a simple, direct path to assign FX Rtn to solo bus, this work-around seems to work.

1) setup your effects per usual.  E.g., FX A gets 1 - 3 input channels.

2) create a subgroup, say Mix 15.  Assign to Main if it isn't.

3) in the main mix, scroll to where the inputs show the FX Rtns. In our example, select FX A Rtn, and assign it subgroup Mix 15, and unassign it from Main.

4) in the User Fader layer, assign subgroup Mix 15.  For convenience, add input channels 1 - 3.  

Now, when you solo the subgroup in step (4), you'll hear the FX Rtn bus.
+3 votes
answered Nov 29, 2022 by wulfwolfer (230 points)

To monitor the FX Return is really fundamental.

I‘m really sad that this feature is still not available.

Please make it happen to get the mixer nearly perfect.

+2 votes
answered Mar 16, 2023 by drewplaczek (360 points)
Hello...just another vote to ask for this functionality.  It's pretty fundamental to any studio mixer, and the work around is clunky, making workflow more cumbersome.

0 votes
answered May 2, 2023 by michaelroy1 (1,210 points)
I favor this request.  

with that said, wouldn't an easier workaround be to solo an unused aux and in that aux mix, turn everything down except for the effect return you want to hear?  I would assume that this would work as the effect send isn't based on the aux mix as the send but the main mix.  This way, you wouldn't have to unassigned the effects from the mains.  I have not tested this but it would be great if someone else could and confirm that it works.
+1 vote
answered Dec 6, 2023 by billf (480 points)
Agreed being able to solo an effects return is fundamental to being able to dial in an effect in the studio or live and is a bit conspicuous in it absence.