Questions & Answers

[Completed in 4.0] Chord Symbols a la Marker Bar

+1 vote
asked Apr 9, 2019 in Completed Feature Requests by donnieguedry (160 points)

It would be super if I were able to place the chord changes above the bars in Studio One. 1st world problem: I keep having to refer to my hand-written lead sheet. Would be nice to be able to see it while recording, though.  This would make for a much better workflow. 

Would be nicer if Notion were actually integrated with Studio One. 

Y'all have a great product, but need to cater a little more to folks that like to work with notation.  That's the reason I used Cakewalk/Sonar for so many years.... I was able to edit my mistakes on a staff.  That was awesome.

When I saw you had Notion "integrated" to Studio One, I hopped on it and dove in.  

It's seriously good DAW.  Congrats on that.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2019 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
Best answer
This already exists in Studio One 4. Check out the Chord Track feature.
0 votes
answered Apr 28, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)

"need to cater a little more to folks that like to work with notation."

they kind of did with the Chord Track. theres even a function in the right click menu for audio and instrument parts where you can "Extract to Chord Track" to get the broad strokes of a chord progression into the Chord Track without having to manually enter it.
