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Feature Request - Universal Control - Ability to Click Faders and Enter Value Manually Like Gain Knobs

+22 votes
asked Apr 15, 2019 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by noelstefanstoyanoff (360 points)
In Universal Control you can click the Gain Knob and then manually enter in a value, I would like the same for the Faders controls as well.  The reason being is that I generate a scene for each song and it would be much easier to dial in settings without having to guess or fat finger the fader.

3 Answers

+5 votes
answered Apr 15, 2019 by benpierce (99,500 points)
Best answer

Thanks for the Feature Request!

+4 votes
answered Jun 30, 2019 by damienmontalto (860 points)
actually a button called FINE over on the right hand side would be handy, allowing you fine adjustment of any control.
+1 vote
answered Aug 27, 2019 by griffinsober (570 points)
If you don't already know if you're on a computer shift+dragging the fader is fine control