Questions & Answers

UC Surface update deleted scene funtion and unable to edit DCA

+1 vote
asked Apr 19, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by adhannah (210 points)
After I updated my Studiolive 24R, along with UC Surface, the scenes tab is no longer available and I cant find where to recall saved scenes nor can I create DCA's. If I try to create and edit  DCA, the entire UC Surface app shuts down. How can these issues be resolved

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 2, 2019 by benpierce (99,500 points)
Best answer
I'm assuming you updated to 2.0 firmware and 3.0 UC. If you only updated one then you must update the other in order for Projects and Scenes to show up properly. There is a new button to access them. It looks like 3 squares stacked on each other. It's right under the Settings gear wheel at the top right when in Mixer Mode in UC. The DCA's are in the "Groups" tab down where the Aux Mix buttons are located. They edit and save without issue on my 24R. Again make sure if you Updated to UC 3.0 then you must update the 24R to 2.0 firmware.
0 votes
answered May 13, 2019 by adhannah (210 points)
I have updated the firmware as well as UC surface, I'm able to edit my DCA"s when I'm connected to my laptop but when using the iPad and I attempt to edit DCA, it shuts down the UC Surface app completely and I have to reopen.