Questions & Answers

I cant get any audio from Studio One to Studiolive 16 III series

+1 vote
asked May 9, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by laurensvolker (160 points)
I have a brand new Studiolive mixer, but up till now I cant get any audio from the PC to my Studiolive Series 3 mixer.

I connected a mic to the mixer, and can hear audio from the main Mix over the speaker.

When I record the channel in Studio One 4, I can see the level meter going up in StudioOne when I talk in the mic. So the USB input to StudioOne is working fine, just I cant get any outputs.

When I playback the recording I can see the level meter, going up. (even on the mixer in Daw mode)

But there is no Audio comming from the mixer to the monitors.

Also when I try to use the Studiolive III mixer as audio interface, to play music from the PC, nothing is working.

The Studiolive is recognised by windows in sound settings.

I am running the lastest versions of StudioOne 4 professional, and Universal control.