Questions & Answers

SOLVED - ATOM doesn't function correctly after updating to Studio One 4.5

+5 votes
asked May 22, 2019 in Atom Pad Controllers by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)
Studio One 4.5 is not working with Atom correctly.

Pad colors are no longer syncing to Impact XT
No longer selecting a sample in Impact XT when I hit a pad
Atom is changing to pad drum mode with keyboard plugins and keyboard mode with Impact XT

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 29, 2019 by haimari (1,190 points)
selected May 31, 2019 by oscargarza3
Best answer

Hello, just confirming this update solved my issue

midi, colors and everything else works normally.

Thank you for the quick fix

asked Apr 16, 2020 in Atom Pad Controllers by jameslanders1 (150 points) where do I get the update
+3 votes
answered May 22, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)

We are aware of some issues affecting ATOM after the Studio One 4.5 update and are working on a fix.


Until we release the fix, you can temporarily work around these issues by disabling and immediately re-enabling Input Monitoring of the selected track—just click the little speaker icon next to the record enable button in the Arranger or Console twice.

0 votes
answered Jun 13, 2019 by brandonguergo (1,140 points)
I still have a bit of bugging out as well going on. Sometimes the first 8 pads just stay lit yellow, even if everything was previously working fine.

Happens most often after switching banks, and switching back doesn't solve anything.
0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2019 by luisfreiremillan (150 points)
edited Aug 16, 2019 by luisfreiremillan
Delete universal control  ane rebot.solved the problem