Let me say it again: Whatever RTA you see somewhere, it's only one, not several. UC Surface will not show a second or third RTA, no matter what input or output you have selected. A second "free patchable" RTA would be worth a feature request, but the dual core mixers seem not to have enough DSP power left any more.
What sense does it make to "analyze" a signal on an equalizer, which you can't use to process the signal? The way it is handled on the boards and in UC Surface is the correct way: Inputs = PEQs, outputs = GEQs and PEQs.
"Less to carry" is always good goal, but the wish to let the console handle "everything" has its limits. The Series III mixers are designed with iPads and/or computer screens in mind as display for what the touch screen simply can't deliver. A Series IV console might handle this different, but for now we depend on external visual "helpers".
It would be better to improve UC Surface radically.