Questions & Answers

Why is there no 1824c or D8 listed in my Studio One Artist hardware list?

0 votes
asked Jul 2, 2019 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by rogerprivitt (170 points)
When I open the the Options menu in Studio One Artist, there is mo listing for 1825c Audio, only 1824c MIDI. My D8 is not listed at all.

I need some guidance on how to connect my equipment and get them to show up in Studio One.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 18, 2019 by garymaguire (11,350 points)
Best answer

The Studio 1824c will show under the 'Studio USB' option.

The D8 is an ADAT interface so in order for it to sync correctly it needs to be connected to an audio interface like the Studio 1824.  There is no options under Studio One for any of the ADAT interfaces.