Questions & Answers

UC Surface for iOS won't connect to Quantum - Please Update Firmware !

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asked Feb 8, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by richardthomsen (720 points)
Hi - I love the UC Surface and Remote Apps when they work!  I had UC Surface working with a Quantum 2 - sold it and upgraded to a full Quantum.  Studio One Remote works.

The UC Surface iOS App can see the Quantum but says - "Please Update Device Firmware" and will not connect.  My Quantum is at the latest firmware.  I upgraded it to the same firmware again for good measure (including the disconnect power and thunderbolt steps).  I resintalled UC Surface.  I rebooted my iPad and reset network settings.  I tried another iPad - I still receive the same 'update device firmware' message.    I have a support ticket open and do not sense this problem and error message is understood by Presonus.  What else can I try?

Quantum: Firmware v 1.1-19
UC Surface for iPad: v iOS running on an iPad Mini 4
UC Surface: v Win x 64
PC Windows 10:   v 1909

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2020 by richardthomsen (720 points)
I am working now - the solution was to downgrade my version of Universal Control for Windows, which then prompted me to downgrade the Quantum firmware.  Now I can connect from multiple iOS devices wirelessly to the Quantum.