Questions & Answers

Issues after usage of applications with ASIO output

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asked Aug 24, 2019 in AudioBox USB by romanskniss (170 points)

I use my studio 26c only for listening to music, not recording. I use as music player foobar2000 with ASIO plug-in. Mirrored channels 1 and 3, 2 and 4. Channels 1 and 2 are used for monitors, channels 3 and 4 for headphones amplifier. Channel mirroring is organised by windows. After using ASIO there is no output in normal windows audio output like browser with youtube on channels 3 and 4 untill I change "block size" in Universal Control panel to any other value, after that everything starts to wotk OK. 

Issue is not with ASIO usage, software with ASIO support works perfectly, issue is with driver or Universal Control, it does not allow full control to windows mixer after control was given to ASIO and ASIO software is not in use anymore. Windows mixer still can not regain control, only when I change "Block Size" setting.

I`ve tested with VoiceMeter. same thing occurs VoiceMeter audio engine hangs, only selecting "Menu->Restart Audio Engine" helps.

I use latest Universal Control, windows 10 x64 1903
