1) Create an ARRANGER SECTION (not a clip, doesn't work on clips)
2) right click the SECTION and hit DUPLICATE SHARED
3) hold ALT (MUST DO) and drag to the other window and let go.
4) now they will be shared.
This works both
Arranger -> Scratch
Scratch -> Arranger
This updates ALL scratch pads & arrangement regardless of where you change it as long as all are marked as shared.
However if you delete so there's only one copy existing, it removes the shared, so be careful if you are working on arrangement.
Maybe have the first scratch pad be the "Shared Duplicate" so there is always a shared copy for it to know about.
The way I plan to do this:
Write (repeating) song sections once in the main window. I will just have one Chorus section for example.
Create a scratch pad for each different versions of the arrangement you want to try out.
For example, one scratch pad may start with the chorus, while one scratch pad may start with the verse.
One scratch pad may repeat the chorus twice.
As I am figuring out the order I like, I can edit stuff in the main arranger window (such as fills, extra instruments, etc.) and it will propagate to all versions of the different arrangement (section order) ideas in the scratchpad.
I can export from scratchpad each arrangement idea, then when I am happy with the song structure, I can start the final editing, perhaps removing the shared status so I can do individual things for each time the chorus shows up, for example.
But for planning overall song structure this may be helpful