Questions & Answers

Noise problem with Presonus audiobox 96 and Rode Procaster

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asked Aug 27, 2019 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by stevecrow (120 points)
I am trying to track down an issue for a remote client of mine using the Rode Procaster plugged into the Presonus audiobox 96.  My assumption is that they are using the USB connection to connect the audiobox to their Mac computer.

NOTE:  there MAY also be a second microphone that came with the Prosonus that is also plugged in but NOT being used (the Presonus M7 Large-diaphragm condenser Microphone) during the recording session

The problem they are having is very low output AND quite a bit of white noise.  

I don't know for sure but I believe the Procaster is a mono microphone.

QUESTION 1:  If ONLY the Procaster mic was connected would the usb output still output a stereo signal or would it only be mono?

QUESTION 2:  If BOTH the Procaster and the M7 are plugged in but the M7 is not being spoken into, could the M7 microphone be still outputting noise on of the channels?

QUESTION 3:  Do you have any suggestions as to what might be going on that I haven't thought to ask?