Windows 7 SP1, ASUS P8P67 mobo, i7 2600K
22VSL driver version
My Firepod FP10 finally died, so I just replaced it with a 22VSL. I used to have no problem having the FP10 output as the default windows sound output and run as my DAW in/out. After I switched over to the 22VSL, whenever I start my DAW (Abelton Live 9) it forces the Windows sound onto a different device (I think the basic soundcard on the mobo).
For example, I can start Windows and hear everything through the 22VSL out (youtube, winamp, whatever). Then when I start the DAW, I hear a faint pop sound, then all sounds outside of the DAW get routed through some other device, but the DAW plays through the 22VSL out.
I have changed the setting in:
Sound>Audiobox 22VSL Audio>Properties>Advanced tab>Exclusive mode DISABLED
Making this change did not change the behavior.