Questions & Answers

USB 96 doesn't play, stuck at 0:00

0 votes
asked Nov 12, 2019 in AudioBox USB by milowork (230 points)
edited Nov 13, 2019 by milowork

I've bought USB 96 and installed Windows 10 1903 x64 yesterday. After the installation of Windows, I installed Universal Control and manually installed Universal Control\Drivers\StudioUSB\x64\PaeStudioUsb.inf, then volume icon appears, but unable to playback.

When I try to use Groove, WMP, Netease Cloud Music, FL Stutio (both DirectSound and ASIO), the bar just stuck at 0:00.

Click the system volume knob get no sound nor indication.

My game Cangkufan is unable to play BGM, and crashes when it attempt to play a sound effect.

I've also tried PaeStudioUsbks.inf, it doesn't work too. reinstall the Universal Control has no effect.

(My newer computer can only recognise USB 96 that connect USB 3.0 or 3.1. B350's incomplete USB 2.0 doesn't work. and my english is not good)

Nov 14: The USB 96 does work with my older computer that have full function USB 2.0 ports.

The newer computer's chipset is B350, it's USB 2.0 is incomplete, it can't even recognise some USB disks.

Should I buy a PCI-E USB 2.0 card for my new computer?
