Questions & Answers

Auto bank StudioLive 32 to selected channel in S1

0 votes
asked Dec 6, 2019 in Studio One 4 by adamskinner (2,610 points)
So, the bidirectional communication between studio live and studio one is really good, but if I select a track that is out of range of the SL (say track 33 in S1) it won't automatically bank the SL to show the selected channel...any way to make this happen?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
The 32-channel mixers have a reduced USB matrix. Inputs theoretically can be as many 64, but outputs are limited to physical channels, and after channel 32 there are only stereo channels available. You can route track 33 to USB 33, which then is the left channel of "FX Return A". Consequently track 34/channel 34 is displayed in the right channel.

FX Return A | USB 33+34
FX Return B | USB 35+36
FX Return C | USB 37+38
FX Return D | USB 39+40
Aux In 1 | USB 41+42
Aux In 2 | USB 43+44
Tape In | USB 45+46

This is probably not a very elegant solution, but the SL mixers are indeed able to deal with 64 and more tracks (I think 128 is the limit). You will need to use DAW Mode to handle all the tracks.

I hope this answers your question.
0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2019 by adamskinner (2,610 points)
Thanks for taking the time to answer, however, it's not quite what I was looking for. Perhaps I'm not using the right terminology but what I'm talking about is whilst in DAW mode, if I have 40 or so channels that I'm mixing, the only way I can see any channels over 32 on the SL is to push the Next button to flip to the next bank of faders. This is fine, but I was hoping there was a way to make S1 automatically switch the faders to the next bank when you select a track in S1. Pro tools used to have a key modifier where you could click a channel in the mixer view and the control surface would automatically jump to that channel even if it's out of range of the number of physical faders. Does that make sense?
0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
Ah, I think I misunderstood your question, sorry. But it's true, this is missing in DAW mode. Selected tracks are displayed simultaneoulsy on the SL mixer and in Studio One, but fader banks are not switched. You have to press to Next or Previous button. I am using a SL 16, so this problem is even more evident.

The CS18AI (for which DAW mode for Studio One was invented) also did not have this feature, but it had 4 buttons (A-D) for channels/tracks 1-64, which allowed direct access to e.g. track 48 on bank C.

I think we have to live with it. There seems not to be too much interest to develop DAW mode further. You can use the "Fat Channel Collection" plug-ins without any problems, but do you see anything of them in the scribble strips and any function on the encoders...?
0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2019 by adamskinner (2,610 points)
It’s a shame as I imagine it must be doable, just strange that they didn’t implement it. I used to have a faderport and that was the same. Maybe it’s a good excuse for me to slim down my mix sessions to under 32 channels ;)

As for the fat channel, I haven’t really used it as I currently run an Apollo 16 as my front end, so track through the UAD equivalents, but I’ll investigate tomorrow.