Questions & Answers

Studio One 4.6: Why are my legacy presets not showing up in Ampire and why does Ampire sound different?

+3 votes
asked Dec 10, 2019 in Studio One 4 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Why are my legacy presets not showing up in Ampire and why does Ampire sound different?

5 Answers

–1 vote
answered Dec 10, 2019 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
If you've updated to Studio One 4.6 and are missing legacy presets for Ampire XT or Ampire Metal pack, please refer to the following KB article:
+2 votes
answered Dec 11, 2019 by dougwilliamson (180 points)

Houston, we (and Presonus) have a problem (with Version 4.6).

Installing the Ampire XT Classics presets as suggested by Presonus Support did not totally resolve the issue as asked. Despite installing Ampire XT Classics, which shouldn't have needed to be done if Version 4.6 had been designed properly for backwards compatibility, many of the songs I recorded using earlier versions of Studio One (ie prior to Version 4.6) are now unusable. The sounds of many guitar and bass tracks as well as the track volume levels and overall mix of the songs have changed.


- How do we access the old Ampire amp and cabinet settings without having to reset everything song by song and track by track?


- How do we uninstall Studio One 4.6 and revert to the earlier version while also restoring the pre-existing Ampire settings for each song and track?

+2 votes
answered Dec 14, 2019 by robertwickerjr (1,070 points)

I had the same issue after the update. I was about to revert back to 4.5 Artist but, I tried one more thing. I went to Studio One Installation in the menu bar and re-installed Ampire XT Classics. That brought back all of the amps I had previously and took away the On/Off icon. One more thing, the levels of the amps are different so, I had to remix every instrument that I had using Ampire. I hope this helps. Try not to save any of the songs until you do this unless you remember all of the amps you use. The default outputs seem to be adjusted higher. So, you aren't imagining things.


+1 vote
answered Dec 14, 2019 by adrianefrancischine (220 points)
I had the same issue on instrument tracks using Presence XT (Instrument + Fx) that inserts Ampire.

I had never paid much attention to Ampire before since Presence sets it up for me.

Back in January, I had updated my Studio One 4 Professional to the latest release but it messed up with some of my vocal tracks. I rolled it back and decided to wait some months, hoping someone would catch and fix the bug.

This past week, I finally decided to try its latest release again, now version 4.6 and, to make sure it was not messing up with my vocal tracks, I opened every single Song I've been working on. The vocal tracks were good BUT I noticed that in some of the songs, some of the Presence XT virtual instruments didn't sound right and were very loud!! Big problem!!!

When I saw Presonus news yesterday about this new Ampire version, I thought it might the culprit and it certainly was!

I'm glad I found this post! I reinstalled Ampire XT Classics and the sounds are back! BUT the output level is indeed higher than before and this will definitely throw my mixes off!!

I imagine that it's gonna be a big problem for many Studio One users and I wish Presonus had kept the same Ampire's output levels... Maybe they can still do that!
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2020 by timcarkin (380 points)
Ok but what about for Studio One 5? where are the Ampire XT Classics?