Questions & Answers

Anyone having experience with S1 and Elgato streamdeck for macros?

+4 votes
asked Dec 31, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jesperhenriksen1 (170 points)
I'm considering using a streamdeck for easy access to macros and shortcuts and speed up mixing. If anyone has experience using this kind of setup, I'd appreciate to learn about it. How, why, pros and cons...

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 3, 2020 by jasonklein2 (180 points)
I'm a brand new user of S1 but have a StreamDeck XL and was able to configure the hotkeys to interact with S1 just fine.  I used to use it with Reaper via OSC and it was great.  It's a fantastic option to speed things up and/or help in remembering lesser used shortcuts.
0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2020 by jacquescorreia (170 points)
The only "cons' comes from Studio One, not the Streamdeck itself.

A lot of functions are missing (swing, vsti's, audio setup, insert appearance, etc) from the shortcuts list, so you have to use workaround (using some streamdeck free extensions) to make things work, which takes quite a long time to configure properly.

I mean days....

In some cases, I even had to create macros using supermacros (BarRaider extension for Elgato streamdack) to get it done.

It would be great if Presonus starts to pay attention to feature requests from users (they're not all stupid) and even more, to use their own software so they can see the limitations and add some corrections...

But Studio One is not Reaper...
0 votes
answered Nov 8, 2020 by nonchai (1,410 points)
Yes Im getting similar problems - v 5.1 on iMac 2018 Catalina -

I am using StreamDeck to switch instrument articulations in orchestral libraries but the instrument track doesn't see the StreamDeck MIDI device.

only S1m is presenting an issue where it doesn't see StreamDeck. Ableton Cubase and other DAWs I now see Stremadeck (XL) fine.