Questions & Answers

I can only record on the left or the right side. How can I get input/output on both?

+1 vote
asked Jan 29, 2016 in Studio One 2 by rakowczyks (160 points)
I'm using Audiobox USB and Studio One 2. I have a microphone connected to input 1 but I can only record on the Left channel.  When I connect my microphone to input 2, I can only record on the Right side.  How do I get input/output on both? Thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2016 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
selected Jun 28, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer
From what you describe, in Studio One, you are recording to a "stereo" audio track.  A stereo audio track will look to record from 2 input channels at the same time.  1 input will be a discrete Left signal and the 2nd input will be the discrete Right signal.  You record to a "stereo" audio track when you want to record a device that has a Left and a Right output.  Like a keyboard.  

A "mono" audio track will record from only 1 input channel.  It will record a single wave on that audio track.  This is then mixed to the outputs of your AudioBox which of course is a "stereo" Left and Right Output.  Device Outputs are often Left and Right stereo, but device Inputs are different depending on the audio source/device you connect.

A microphone is a "mono" audio source.  You will connect this to a single input channel and record this to a "mono" audio track.

A keyboard is a "stereo" audio source.  You will connect this to 2 input channels and record this to a "stereo" audio track.