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Send Headphone/Controller Room outs (Solo cue) via WiFyi to IPad for 3rd Party Spectrograph software.

+4 votes
asked Jan 23, 2020 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by Ericwjohnson (1,190 points)
I’d like to get the Headphone/Control Room cue (Via “Solo”) sent out over WiFi to my IPad which is running “Studio Six Digital”, “Smaart Tools”.

I’m using the Smaart Tools Spectrograph and RTA with my Series 3 mixer which must be “Hard wired” via a headphone or control room 1/4 output jack.

I’m envisioning something like the “Q Mix” software used for mixing stage monitors, but this new application to enable us to sent the solo output wirelessly to my “Smaart Tools” application on an iPad.

Now 1 IPad can be running “UC Control” and a second IPad can be running a 3rd party RTA or Spectrograph.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
Audio over wifi is not going to happen on the current mixers.
0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

Wouldn't it be better to vote for one of the several same feature requests instead of making an own feature request? Just saying...

There are many users asking to bring the "good old Smaart days back", but I don't think that it is realistic that PreSonus and Rational Acoustics will join forces again. And I think that the request should focus on a

* improved RTA for the Series III without the reduction to one copy only.

This RTA should

* have a spectograph function built-in (Studio One has that) and it should be
* more detailed and more colored.

The "Sync" function allows RTA on a tablet to follow what is selected on the mixer, and this would be a much better solution than using any third party gear/software.

Good luck for your feature request.

0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2020 by redcardnal (650 points)
What's wrong with simply routing the Solo bus out to a Mix bus output and then interconnecting with an XLR to 3.5mm cable into your iPad? Sometimes simplicity is better.