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Dedicated decibel meter ( DBA ) so you can monitor the level in the room . And spectrum meter

+14 votes
asked Mar 15, 2020 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by lukedoherty (570 points)
can we have a Dedicated decibel meter ( DBA  ) so you can monitor the level in the room. Something that can change the talkback mic into a meter so you can monitor the level your mixing at either live on in the studio.. and switch back to talkback if needed.. it would be good if it could show you the db in the top corner of the screen when your looking at an EQ or RTA. I’d even buy a dedicated microphone if you built one to go with the feature.

Would be very very useful especially in today’s world with venues constantly complaining about the volume. It would be good so you can just point at the screen and tell the manger or official that’s complaining exactly what the level is so there’s no disputes.

It would also be useful if you can switch between RTA and Spectrum meters so you can visually see the hot spots

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer

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