Hi, so I bought a Studio 68c interface just under two months ago and upon firing it up this morning the audio signal from my laptop just drops out after a few seconds. The interface is showing that it's recognizing there's a usb connection (blue light), but the sound just isn't coming through. I've never had any problem with it before this, and nothing has changed in the way it's set up or what I use it for (demoing through studio one and listening to spotify/itunes). If I unplug the usb cable and plug it back in (at either the interface side or laptop side) I get sound coming back through, but after about 4 seconds the signal just cuts out again. Interface shows signal coming through on the meters, then poof, nothing. Has anyone else encountered this? Could it be a problem with the cable or is it more likely the interface? I can plug an audio cable into the line inputs on the interface and hear audio perfectly fine using the monitor button, but as soon as I try and receive audio through the usb from my laptop it just keeps dropping out. Since setting it up out of the box it hasn't been moved, cables have never been yanked around or moved, literally nothing has moved and all of a sudden I'm having this problem. Please send help.