Questions & Answers

[Bug] Copying events from Scratch Pad

+4 votes
asked Mar 3, 2020 in Editing by justinmeyer (3,020 points)

When opening the Scratch Pad, copying events (which are on the Scratch Pad), and going back to the main section,
pasting those copied events will create new tracks.
That makes absolutely no sense!

Instead, the copied events should be pasted inside of the SAME tracks.
The cursor specifies the measure where the events get pasted (this already works).

Basically it should be the same behaviour like copying and pasting events inside and within the main section.

Best regards

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

Thanks for the issue report. 

Going forward, please post issues (bug reports) to the Studio One Community Support area on the forum.

Studio One dev team monitors that area frequently for bug reports. 

This post will be moved to Feature Requests. 

0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2020 by Gregor Beyerle (5,720 points)
Hi justinmeyer,

Just to add to what Alex Tinsley has said - Did you make sure that you're still on the same track when going back from the Scratch Pad to the main Arrangement to paste? This is a common mistake, that's why I'm asking. If so, please submit your bug report (including the song project so that we can reproduce the issue!) to the Studio One Community Support area that Alex has linked to.

Thanks very much!
0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2020 by justinmeyer (3,020 points)

Hello and thank you for your replies!

Yes, it seems there is a focus problem when switching between ScratchPad and the normal area.
Anyway, I have good news because I found a much better way how to realize my wish.

Thanks to gregorbeyerle1, I gave the Arranger a new chance to see if it will be more suitable in this case.
When creating several Arranger sections inside of the ScratchPad, it's possible to access those without opening the ScratchPad.
By clicking on the Arranger tab (which is above the first track), you can see all Arranger sections.

When copying a section which belongs to the ScratchPad, you can easily paste it inside of the main area,
and there is no wrong pasting or creating of new tracks.
It gets pasted correctly at the cursors position.

Great... but there's still one issue:
When you left click on a section and press Ctrl+C to paste it, it doesn't work.
However, if you right-click on a section and click on copy, you can paste it.

Would be great if Ctrl+C would work here!

I attached screenshots to make it clearer.

