Questions & Answers

New CPU/motherboard going to affect current Studio One install?

0 votes
asked Mar 5, 2020 in Studio One 4 by dokrok5150 (250 points)
I am finally doing a new build. My i5 from 2010 is being put out to pasture. I'm going to be installing a new AMD Ryzen, motherboard and 16 gigs of memory. I will be keeping my SSD boot drive and all data drives. My question is: do I have to unauthorize my current install of Studio One? Since I'll be migrating my boot and data drives I'm hoping I don't have to start the uninstall/reinstall pain in the ash.


Doc Rock

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer
Depends on what OS you're running, Windows 10 is more robust to motherboard changes than say Windows 7. While Studio One may not need to be reloaded your OS may react differently. If your OS is copacetic with the new hardware you should be ok.

The Studio license key is stored in the %programdata$ folder. As long as that is not disturbed you should be ok.

You may find that some of your plug-ins however may need to be re-authorized. some applications create a unique hardware id between the motherboard and the software serial number. Check all of your plug-ins / software to make it loads correctly.

Good luck.