Questions & Answers

Suggest an advanced Windows computer for Studio One v3, i.e., Motherboard & CPU, HDD, SSD nd version of Windows?

0 votes
asked Jun 4, 2016 in Computer Based Recording & Production by GrievousAngel (200 points)

Do you suggest an advanced Windows computer for Studio One v3,  i.e., Motherboard & CPU, HDD, SSD and version of Windows?

I have purchased the RM16 AI mixer, and plan to do multitrack recording and production using Capture and Studio One v3. I will also capture and edit video using Adobe products.

I want a system that has adequate performance to avoid potential drop-outs, clicks, etc. I will be sync'ing audio to video with the system. Suggest a timecode master source?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

HP ZBook series with Thunderbolt, you'll also need to buy a Thunderbolt to 1394 adapter.

That system may cost you as much or more than giving in and buying a MacBook Pro which you could run BootCamp on.

If you want a custom system for Audio, you'll need to contact the specialists for Computer Audio. 

For US Customers: Contact the guys at Sweetwater for some suggestions -

For European Customers: Contact Molten Audio -

For Australia Customers: Contact AAVIM Audio -
