Questions & Answers

Connecting Positive Grid Spark to PreSonus Studio One Prime

0 votes
asked Mar 8, 2020 in Studio One 4 by syedsohail (170 points)
I am connecting my Positive Grid Spark Amp to Studio One Prime (Studio One Prime came with Spark) through USB. I am unable to figure out how can I assign the input as USB. I am new to this so please guide me.

Thanks you.

Sohail Ali

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 7, 2020 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Please refer to this article:

If that does not help, please contact Positive Grid directly. They are the best source for setup help with the Spark Amp. 

0 votes
answered Mar 25, 2020 by gabrielcantin (140 points)
If someone has a tutorial or something to know how to configurate the Positive Grid Spark with PreSonus Studio One, it would be very appreciate. It tried to record but i think my audio setting are not good. I have a Huge and Ugly sound that comes out from the Spark amp.
0 votes
answered May 7, 2020 by timspencer4 (230 points)
Got my Spark Amp yesterday and was excited about the promises made by Positive Grid. I can't even get S1 to recognise it as a proper I/O device - and until they fix the problems there is little presonus can do IMO.
0 votes
answered May 30, 2020 by charlesyoung9 (140 points)

You will have to enter the Spark device manually.  

To set up your Instrument, navigate to Studio One/Options/External Devices (Mac OS X: Preferences/External Devices) and follow these steps:

  1. In the Options/External Devices menu, click on the [Add...] button.
  2. In the left-hand browser, choose your device from the predefined device list. Set this to New Instrument if you do not see your device in the list. If set to New Instrument, you may wish to type in a Manufacturer Name and a Device Name in the appropriate fields. This makes identifying your New Instrument easier.
  3. Specify which MIDI channels to use to communicate with this Instrument. MIDI Channel 1 is selected by default. If you are unsure of the appropriate MIDI channels to use, just leave this at the default setting.
  4. Specify the device to which Studio One is sending MIDI and the device from which the software is receiving MIDI. Select the appropriate MIDI device from the drop-down menu for Send To and (optionally) Receive From. It is likely your external instrument is not connected directly to your computer. In this case, your external instrument must be physically connected to another MIDI device (such as a MIDI interface) that does connect to your computer; you need to select the driver for that device.
  5. You can choose to send MIDI Clock to this Instrument and/or use MIDI Clock Start by checking the appropriate boxes. You should send MIDI Clock to your Instrument if it has a built-in sequencer or components (such as LFOs) that need to sync to Studio One. Enabling MIDI Clock Start sends MIDI Clock Start signals to your Instrument.
  6. You can choose to send MIDI Time Code to this Instrument. You can set a Display Offset under Song/Song Setup/General to correct for time-code variances with external devices.
  7. You can vary the speed at which Automated MIDI CC messages are transmitted, using the CC Automation Interval slider. You can vary the value between 10-100ms, with the default value being 10ms.

Your external instrument is now available for use in any Song. To use an external instrument in a Song, be sure that an Instrument Track is routed to it and that the appropriate Audio Tracks have been added and configured. Refer to Monitoring an External Instrument for more on this topic.

+1 vote
answered Aug 13, 2020 by matthegurr (300 points)
This is the answer:
0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2021 by jimdickinson2 (420 points)
Please check out this awesome video on how to connect your sprat amp up with Studio One.
