Questions & Answers

Why can't I control volym and pan for external devices?

0 votes
asked Mar 27, 2021 in Studio One 5 by tovenolskog (200 points)

Im using SO;) and Firestudio project connected via thunderbolt. It works just fine.

The synthesisers are connected direct to FSP different line in.

Every sounds seems to go right

My problem is that volym, pan has no effect on aux (synth) channels.  It works to use FX on each channel. Why is that? I have followed every tutorial out there. No luck..

Please help me. Im stuck

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2021 by tovenolskog (200 points)

Every sounds seems to go right through.

The volym controls only FX 

0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2021 by tovenolskog (200 points)

Now it works. It was the monitor/rec that confused me.